Student announcements can be vital in passing along important course information to your students, but it can serve as a means to convey non-academic details. These might include assignment due dates, changes to course structure, additional resources, and upcoming events. The different methods to provide announcements include written and video/voice recordings. Within Blackboard there is a dedicated tab that can house all types of announcements. There is also a place for email to be sent, but this is typically the least read form by students.
Developing video/voice recordings is easy and can be accomplished using Kaltura, Screencast, QuickTime player and a host of other platforms found on phones and tablet devices. One fun way to entice your students to watch announcements is to take them on an abbreviated adventure. For example, I will record general announcements — course calendar and syllabus overview — around campus, in the community and when I travel. This provides my students with course information and a chance to learn about campus, the community, and the world.
How To
We Want to Hear from You
What teaching tips have you picked up working remotely? Please let us know so we can learn from you and share the work you are doing.
Would you like to be part of a conversation about how to use announcements and other ways to communicate with students? Let us know by contacting John Pijanowski and we will be in touch to schedule a small group consultation via zoom where we can share ideas, work through technical questions, and learn from each other.